Commercial Service Panels
Commercial Service Panels
Is your electrical service panel able to handle your businesses energy demands?
When trying to run a business, there's no room for question marks or uncertainty when it comes to power security. Businesses grow, technology advances, power demands increase - so it's crucial to make sure your commercial service panel has enough capacity to safely power your entire property.
Tri Star Electrical works with commercial property / business owners across S.E. Michigan to ensure their service panel is fully equipped to meet their energy demands. Our pros can accommodate any type of service panel replacement, upgrade, or service need, ensuring your service panel is safe, compliant, and fulfilling all of your growing energy demands.
Commercial Service Panel Upgrades
Do you need more outlets or planning to expand floor space? Have you added more employees and work stations? Depending on the age of your panel, it could easily overload. We can increase your capacity, and also give you the ability to add more circuits in the future.
Our experienced commercial electricians can accommodate any service panel upgrade need, including:
Service Panel Replacements
Tri Star Electrical can completely replace your commercial service panel to fully accommodate your businesses power demands. This process includes disconnecting the old equipment as needed (panel, meter can, entrance cable, ground rods, etc) and installing the new panel(s) and all necessary components, including labeling the panel and all live breakers.
Service (Amp) Upgrades
It's common for a business or commercial property to upgrade their service panel (Amps) to accommodate new equipment, machinery, etc. If your business requires more power, we can install a sub panel next to your main panel to accommodate any new or future power demands.
Dedicated Circuits
If you are looking to install new machinery or equipment in your business, there is a good chance your new equipment requires dedicated power from your panel. Our commercial electricians can install the dedicated circuits needed in your panel to supply ample power to your equipment, inside or out.
Code Inspections
Commercial electrical codes in Michigan are strict and precise, does your panel meet the latest codes? If you are unsure if your panel is code-compliant, or if your business is shut down due to electrical code violations, give us a call today. We can inspect your panel, identify any code violations, and provide any replacement / repair needed to meet code.
Call or Text Us at (810) 225-9605 for all your commercial service panel needs in Michigan.

Is Your Panel Safe?
Make sure your businesses service panel is safe, up-to-code, and properly sized..
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Service Panel Checklist
Is Your Service Panel / Cable Undersized?
As a general rule of thumb, a 150 amp service is adequate for a space less than 3,000 sq. ft. Any space over 3,000 sq. ft. should have a minimum of a 200 amp service. If your space / panel doesn't meet these criteria, you may need to upgrade your service panel and cable.
Do You Have A Fuse Panel?
An older fuse panel is not worth the risk and headaches! Upgrading to a breaker panel will provide more power capacity, better safety, and is overall easier to maintain.
Is Your Panel Overloaded?
Events like breaker/fuses tripping, flickering lights, and malfunctioning equipment/appliances are all tell-tale signs your panel may be overloaded.
Are You Installing New Equipment?
Any time you look to install new appliances or machinery at your business that requires dedicated power (especially equipment that was never in your space before), make sure your panel has the capacity and circuit structure to support the increased load.
Is Your Business Undergoing Renovations?
Planning on expansion/new construction for your business? Chances are you will need to upgrade your service to meet the power demands of the new structure.
If you answered YES to any of these questions, contact us today. We will be glad to evaluate your needs and provide a solution!